DQ200 0AM 7 speed DSG and S-tronic

Parts for Volkswagen and Audi 7 speed DSG

DQ200 0AM and S-Tronic, dry clutch

These are all parts that are selected by the DSG/ S-tronic specialist. We are the wholeseller to the DSG service dealer network

DSG service dealers can have 3 levels

Bronze, they buy from Autotransflush, this means that the quality of the parts that are used, is undisputed

Silver, They buy autotransflush parts and receive technical support. Next to this, the shop has been visited by Autotransflush and judges as beeing a trustful partner

Gold, They buy autotransflush parts and receive technical support. Next to this, the shop has been visited by Autotransflush and judges as beeing a trustful partner.

They followed the basic training in DSG repair


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